
Khetho ea puo


Feme ea Feme ea Zinc e entsoeng ka Carbon Steel Square Thin Nut DIN562

Tlhaloso e Khutšoanyane:

  • Tloaelo:
  • Lebitso:
    carbon tšepe hexagon linate tšesaane
  • Boitsebiso:
    tšepe ea carbon
  • Kereiti:
    Kereiti ya 4, Kereiti ya 8, Kereiti ya 10
  • Leetsi:
    Hexagonal khethehileng bataletseng tšesaane leino linate, carbon tšepe bataletseng linate
  • Bophara ba lebitso:
  • Leqhubu la meno:
  • Phekolo ea sefahleho:
    tlhaho/batsho/galvanized/color/nickel plating
  • Kamohelo:OEM / ODM, Trade, Wholesale, Regional Agency

    Tefo:T/T, L/C, PayPal

    Re thehiloe China, re na le feme ea rona. Re khetho ea hau e ntle ka ho fetisisa le balekane ba tšepahalang ba khoebo har'a lik'hamphani tse ngata tsa khoebo.

    Re thabela ho araba lipotso leha e le life; ka kopo romella lipotso tsa hau le litaelo.

    Stock Sample e Mahala ebile e Fumaneha

    Lintlha tsa Sehlahisoa

    Li-tag tsa Sehlahisoa

    "Laola maemo ka lintlha, bonts'a ho tiea ka boleng". Feme ea rona e ikitlaelletse ho theha basebetsi ba sebetsang hantle le ba tsitsitseng mme e lekotse sistimi e sebetsang ea boleng bo holimo bakeng sa Feme ea Supply Zinc Plated Carbon Steel Square Thin Nut DIN562, Ha re fane feela ka boleng bo holimo ho bareki ba rona, empa ho bohlokoa le ho feta. ke tšebeletso ea rona e ntle ka ho fetisisa le theko ea tlhōlisano.
    "Laola maemo ka lintlha, bonts'a ho tiea ka boleng". Feme ea rona e ikitlaelletse ho theha basebetsi ba sebetsang hantle le ba tsitsitseng mme e lekotse tsamaiso e sebetsang ea boleng bo holimo bakeng sacarbon tšepe hexagon linate tšesaane, Ho theha thepa e ngata ea boqapi, ho boloka thepa ea boleng bo holimo le ho ntlafatsa eseng feela thepa ea rona empa le rona e le ho re boloka re le ka pele ho lefatše, le ea ho qetela empa e le ea bohlokoa ka ho fetisisa: ho etsa hore moreki e mong le e mong a khotsofatsoe ke tsohle tseo re fanang ka tsona le ho holisa. e matla mmoho. Ho ba mohlodi wa nnete, qala mona!

    Tlhaloso ea Stainless Steel Jack Nut

    Stainless steel jack nut e boetse ke screw nut, e sebelisoang ka liboutu, e etselitsoe ho lokisa lintho holim'a lipoleiti tse tšesaane tsa tšepe, tse tiileng le tse bonolo ho kenya, li sebetsa haholo. Reka jack nut ea tšepe e sa hloekang khetha rona, thekiso e tobileng ea fektheri ea tšepe e sa hloekang ea jack nut, litlhaloso tse felletseng, mefuta e mengata, ts'ehetso ea tšehetso, ka potlako ikopanye le rona bakeng sa quotation.

    Melemo ea Stainless Steel Jack Nut

    1. Matla a phahameng a tsitsitseng

    2. E tiile ebile e tšoarella

    3. Tikoloho e thata, e seng bonolo ho e senya

    4. Ho kenya habonolo, katleho e phahameng ea kaho

    Tlhahlobo ea Boleng

    Tlhahlobo ea boleng

    Hobaneng o re khetha

    1.Scale: boholo bo boholo, lithane tse 3000+ setokong, sebaka sa semela sa limithara tse 10000

    2.Experience: 10 + lilemo tse sebetsanang le phihlelo ea litsebi, theknoloji e hōlileng tsebong

    3.Theko: jack nut fektheri thekiso e tobileng, bongata bo boholo, litlhaloso tse feletseng

    4.Guarantee: Re na le sehlopha se setle ka mor'a thekiso se nang le tšebeletso ea inthanete ea lihora tse 24

    Mokhoa oa Tlhahiso

    Tlhahiso- ts'ebetso

    Tšebeliso ea Stainless Steel Jack Nut

    Jack nut e sebelisoa ka boutu, qala ka ho phunya lesoba ka har'a poleiti ea tšepe e batlang e le tšesaane, kenya screw kaofela lesobeng, otla hlooho ea screw ka sekurufu se khethehileng, ebe u hula sesebelisoa ka thata, 'me u tlohelle mokotla o atolohe. ho hula hoa sesebedisoa sa ho tiisa botenya ba pele bo tiileng ba lebota. Ka mor'a hore casing e lokisoe ho ea qetellong, tlosa sekoti se bohareng. The screw is screwed through fixing and screwed in the casing hona joale. E sebelisoa haholo indastering ea likoloi, mechini ea kaho, litafole, litulo le libenche, malapa a letsatsi le letsatsi, ho etsa lihlahisoa, jj.

    Setšoantšo sa Kopo

    Setšoantšo sa Kopo

    Setifikeiti sa rona

    Setifikeiti sa rona"Laola maemo ka lintlha, bonts'a ho tiea ka boleng". Feme ea rona e ikitlaelletse ho theha basebetsi ba sebetsang hantle haholo le ba tsitsitseng mme e lekotse sistimi e sebetsang ea boleng bo holimo bakeng sa Feme ea Supply Zinc Plated Carbon Steel Square Thin Nut DIN562, Ha re fane feela ka boleng bo holimo ho bareki ba rona, empa ho bohlokoa le ho feta. ke tšebeletso ea rona e ntle ka ho fetisisa le theko ea tlhōlisano.
    Factory Supply China Square Nut le Square Thin Nut, Ho theha thepa e ngata ea boqapi, ho boloka thepa ea boleng bo holimo le ho ntlafatsa eseng feela thepa ea rona empa le rona e le ho re boloka re le ka pele ho lefats'e, le ea ho qetela empa e le ea bohlokoahali: ho etsa ntho e ngoe le e ngoe. moreki o khotsofetse ke tsohle tseo re fanang ka tsona le ho hola ka matla hammoho. Ho ba mohlodi wa nnete, qala mona!

  • E fetileng:
  • E 'ngoe:

  • Lihlahisoa tse Amanang